The Laws of Attraction — Augmented Reality

Marvin XR
3 min readDec 31, 2020

Our literature is swarmed with stories, novels and poems — trying to find the secret potion of attraction. We tend to correlate the word ‘attraction’ with love and relationship. But in reality, it is exactly the opposite. Evolution figured out that attraction is a synonym of curiosity which is primal for our own survival.

By design, being evolved for over thousands and millions of years, our brain has a constant curiosity mechanism, getting attracted to anything, especially if it does any movement, which could simply benefit us in getting food, shelter and sex. Anything that is novel, simply catches our eyes, but if that novelty is outperformed by anxiety (what scientists term as flight or fight situation), then we retreat immediately — from predators, stronger competitors or deadly situations.

This design is so hard-wired inside our brain that even today, our everyday actions are based on the very primal instincts. To track the slightest movement around us, even our peripheral vision has evolved much more than frontal vision. Our decisions in life are based upon this principle and we think we are attracted to someone or something based on purely divine reasons.

Marketers know this secret for long time and they always design creative product ads to attract you to their service. Imagine an ad of Vogue or Audi or Axe deodorant and think why you get attracted to the products. Ads for insurance, loan and other things run on anxiety (you want to get relief by buying the service and hereby minimizing the anxiety).

But what is the most common thing that creates impact for both kind of marketing? Your vision — literally. Since we perceive 70% of information through eyes, the more ‘eye-catchy’ a marketing campaign is — the higher rate of its success. That is the reason, we prefer to view TV ads over printed ads, during scrolling social media — a video commercial catches our eyes over still photo ads.

It’s not a coincidence that our brain always gets hooked to latest digital evolution and new technologies are been invented keeping this laws of attraction in mind. Augmented Reality is latest addition to this digital evolution parade and already making people attracted to it almost instantly due to its novelty and easy interactivity. The worldwide market size for augmented reality is forecast to increase drastically in the next few years. Over the period from 2017 to 2025, the augmented reality market size is estimated to increase by over 195 billion U.S. dollars.

Although AR is still a costly affair to get in a relationship with business, but Marvin AI has introduced a novel web based AR technology which can lower down the entry level cost for business and bring huge attention from everywhere. The high novelty tech-solution is an ideal playground for creative marketing campaigns to easily achieve success. The ease of using AR-anywhere will enable all forms of customers, irrespective of their age group, to instantly get engaged with product ads.

Marvin AI web Augmented Reality can bring a revolution in digital marketing
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Marvin XR

Marvin XR is focused to bring disruptive transformation in customer service via Web based Augmented Reality. Sign up today: